Payment Methods

Any orders paid to a personal number of any shop attendant will be considered as defrauding the business.

The business will not be responsible for any returns of items that have been paid to a personal number.

Payment methods include Mpesa.

Mpesa is a safer, easier way to send and receive money using your mobile phone. When you select Lipa Na Mpesa as the payment method, our system will send a STK Push notification which will initialize Lipa Na Mpesa on your phone with the exact amount on your shopping cart.You will just enter your PIN to authorize for the payment.

If you want to Pay on Delivery/After Order Confirmation  you will use our Arduino Solutions Kenya’s Till Number 551334 (Buy Goods) option.

Arduino Solutions Kenya Till Number

The reasons why we suggest you use Lipa Na Mpesa:
Payment is traceable. By using your Mpesa account, you can trace each and every payment made to our Till Number.